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Free MasterClass Video!

You are one step closer to achieving food freedom for life.

About Darice LeBeau

Hello, I’m Darice. I’m a life coach, certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, ICF (International Coaching Federation) Member, and Founder of Gifted Vault, a life coaching company that provides community coaching programs, mentoring, and custom one-on-one coaching. We help people with a variety of needs and challenges so we can help them discover their potential and strengths so they can get unstuck to reach their goals.


Prior to coaching, I was a recruiter for 13 years coaching people to get the jobs and salaries they desired. In my 13 years of recruiting, I learned that the most important aspect of achieving your goals always starts with one thing; your mindset about yourself. Every action is followed by a thought. If you believe you can, you will try. If you believe you can’t, you won’t. Most of us know this, but what makes the difference between those who try and those who don’t is their ability to break free from whatever they believe about themselves that is holding them back from moving forward. I work with my clients to understand their limiting beliefs, their behaviors, and their emotions that are often deeply rooted in their unconscious mind which can present strong roadblocks if not uncovered and explored. Helping people get jobs was an important part of my life for many years, but what I do now is far more meaningful because I’m looking at my client’s goals on a larger scale that goes far beyond landing a new job.


My coaching is non-judgmental and empowering. For years, I struggled with food and my weight, so I’ve been there. I hear you. I see you. I care. My coaching and/or mentoring provides the transformation our clients are seeking so they no longer feel trapped and helpless.


Ready to get to work? Let’s meet and knock out some goals!

What People Are Saying

A woman with long hair and glasses smiling for the camera.
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by Bea A.

A woman sitting in a chair with glasses on.
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by Joyce P.

A woman with glasses smiling for the camera.
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by Amy M.

STOP Your Struggle and Obsession with Food

and Get Your Life Back!

Do you want to stop the food restriction madness?

Are you tired of carrying excess weight?

Are you driven to work out for fear of gaining weight?

We can eliminate your food struggles once and for all so you can start living your life free from this burden.

Clients come to us because they are sick and tired of the dieting industry. Our clients are fed up with giving up foods and beverages they love. They just want to focus on living, not restricting.


By the time our clients find us, they are discouraged and think that they have tried “everything” to fix their struggle with food. But we know why their previous efforts didn’t work in the long run.


Just wait until you see how we can truly help you!


We are here to give you hope because there IS hope.


It’s time to stop covering up your physical and emotional pain caused by your struggle with food.


One Bite at a Time is a 12-week immersive community life coaching program designed for individuals who struggle with overeating, emotional eating, and a lack of control around food. Our aim is to help you develop healthier habits to achieve weight loss or maintain your weight and ultimately have food freedom for life.

Through personalized life coaching, workshops, weekly lessons, and group discussions and coaching, One Bite at a Time works to retrain your brain and stomach’s response to cravings, reducing overeating behaviors. We take pride in our holistic approach, delving deeper to understand the root causes of your overeating and helping you establish better habits tailored specifically to you.

During your free Discovery Session, you’ll have the opportunity to share your experiences and challenges with one of our empathetic, nonjudgmental life coaches. We understand that each person’s struggles are unique, so this session is also our chance to get to know you better. Share everything! It’s also an opportunity for you to ask any questions about the program, ensuring you can make an informed decision before signing up.

One Bite at a Time is not a diet program or a quick fix for weight loss. Our focus is on providing you with the tools needed to make lasting changes by addressing the underlying issues so you can feel more confident to become a natural eater. We want to be transparent; this program will not only transform your relationship with food but also impact you on a deeper level. Change can be intimidating, but rest assured, you won’t be alone. Your coach and fellow community members will support you every step of the way.

Remember the feeling of fear when you first learned to ride a bike or drive a car? Starting your One Bite at a Time journey may evoke a similar sentiment as it involves adopting new habits. However, once you overcome the learning curve, these behaviors will become second nature. We believe in you and look forward to witnessing your growth!

Schedule your FREE Discovery Session to start living your life free from painful diets that don’t work!